Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Jellyfish finale and winners

  The Drifter
3" x 5" oil
canvas panel

I spent a little more time on the jellyfish tonight to finish it up and set it free to float downstream. As always, it looks completely different in life and has an inner glow which is what I was hoping to achieve.  The tentacles are whispers of lines for the eye to put in.  Too much and it detracts from the airy feeling and gives it a grounding which I don't want.

So from the tiny to the large, another boat painting will go up on the easel tonight.  Or at least the bones of the drawing of it. 

And now, the winners of my little heart give away for tonight.  Tracy Urban from my Facebook artist page and Carol Lee Beckx who both commented on the post and/or joined my FB Artist page.  Congratulations to both of you, your hearts will head your way as soon as you provide me with your mailing details.

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