I do need to find a life class again. Its been ages since I have done live drawings of the human figure. The problem is finding one that is held in the evening or on weekends. Everything seems to take place during the day. Maybe I'll just have to run one myself.
I find there are enormous differences between public acceptance of the nude form on both sides of the Atlantic. Europe, for the most part, is very liberal and nudity is part of life and accepted. In North America however, nudity is still seen as representing sex with constant embarrassed jokes and innuendoes when the subject of life classes comes up. I never quite understand that, especially as most North American television is obsessed with bodily functions. Which would I rather see? A bare breast or some air brain float around singing about how easy it is to insert tampons? Hmmmmm, no contest there. But show any frontal nudity on North American television and the country is up in arms over it. Bodily functions seem to be another matter altogether it seems.
Europeans have used nudity and sex in television commercials for years without outcry from the public. Why? Because it is normal. Its natural. Have a look at some of these commercials. These are the much tamer commercials by the way. I don't want the Bible-belters arriving on my doorstep to save my soul...
And lighten up North America.
Here is a sample from IKEA.
Need a new bed?My all time favourite.
Time for the kids to leave home? IKEA again.
Or perhaps a
Motorola pager?Then there's
a Panasonic ad. Nothing like this in North America.