Startled Sold
8 x 10 acrylics on stretched canvas
I'm not the most technical person in the world, so when people started telling that got a malware warning message when clicking on my blog today, I wasn't sure what to do about it.But like everything, a little research and some factual reassurance by major players have convinced me that I have the issue resolved now.
The message was linking my site with rpc blogrolling dot com, a supposed host for malware. Apparently quite a number of other blogs have been getting the same message when clicked over the last few days.
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Ok. No viruses, no malware, so what? Looking through some help sections on Blogger I found some similar problems that seemed to relate back to blog rolls on blogs. So I decided to remove all my blog lists on the site, then slowly add them back in to see if that resolves the problem.
Please let me know if you do get this message again and never fear, I will reinstate all my blog links again! If I miss anyone, please send me a message and I'll add you back.
Meanwhile, having some paint left over from Tripod's last portrait, I did another. Its his alter ego this time. The fight or flight within him is a fine line and when surprised he generally flees. His invisible enemies win then.
I came across him in the barn lying in some sawdust. The startled look and lighting was something I wanted to try to capture.