Barbs (crop)
22 x 30 watercolour & acrylic ink I'm calling this done as I think if I play with it anymore it will just turn to mud.
I toyed with a couple of ideas for colouring the wire. One was to do a controlled pour, wetting the wire only and hoping a stream of paint would stick within the wet paper and not travel too far into the dry. The other was to use washes of loose watercolour to paint the wire.
I decided on the latter as my hands are still stained with inks and paints from yesterday's pour and I just couldn't face the mess again. I'll experiment more with smaller pieces where I can control the flow of paint into trays. Large sheets like this one will be reserved for outdoors in the summer.
I masked the area surrounding the wire and started adding washes of colour, leaving the white of the paper for highlights on the wire. In retrospect, I wish I'd left it at that, but of course, my inner brain told me to add more layers of colour. Don't always listen to your inner brain.
I ended up with a darkened version, some of which I like, some I don't. But its set in stone now and overall I like it. I can't get a good image of this. I'll have to take it upstairs for some good light to photograph it tomorrow. The colours are more vivid and the background greener in reality.