Monday, June 07, 2010

Grape leaves and ghosts

 I am still playing with leaf prints and colour and paper.  This print in white ink on black reminds me of ghostly images - the souls of plants captured fleetingly before they disappear back into the earth.  Something as simple as colour can change an image so much.

I have three grape vines in the greenhouse that produce wonderful grapes every year.  Grapes would never grow outside in Newfoundland.  The season is too short and too cool, but in the greenhouse they thrive.  White Interlaken grapes and a Pinot Noir vine have taken over and need cutting back every year or they'd fill the space easily.   The grape leaves and vines are multipurpose aside from the fruit they produce.  The leaves are used to create dolmades and now printing.  The vine cuttings I use to create charcoal sticks.
 My garden gives me so much and asks so little in return. 


RH Carpenter said...

Blogger was having fits yesterday so I didn't get to comment before but I wanted to say how much I'm enjoying your leaf printing - the comfrey prints are gorgeous and I enjoy reading how you use your garden in that cold climate and get so much out of it.

Tracy Hall said...

I'l second that jeannette, these are all so beautiful.

Jeanette Jobson said...

Thanks Rhonda, they're quite interesting to create. The patterns are amazing.

The season is short here, so I make the best use of it!

Thank you Tracy. I have a lot more leaves to experiment with yet!