Thursday, February 06, 2014

Cats and fish

I've been resting my right hand this week and avoiding the palette knife due to a repetitive strain injury.  I have a big project coming up so I don't want to risk overdoing it and having real problems later, so small pieces for short periods of time, using different motions seems to do the trick right now.  Pieces like this series of little cards that will be available soon as downloadables from my Etsy shop.

The originals are in watercolour and will be available, once constructed.  Yes, I'm even having challenges doing that this week in terms of hand flexibility.  But hopefully, by the end of the weekend, I'll have the bugs sorted out and have downloads available with instructions on how to make them come to life.

I plan on more fish and cat cards like these and I'm always happy to receive new inspiration from other cat lovers. Just send a message including a clear photo showing your cat's face and eyes in a forward facing pose and he or she may be a future greeting carrier! 


Unknown said...

I think you are doing the right thing in resting, yet still using it.

The cat painting is great.

Gary L. Everest said...

Hi Jeanette,
I love the cat, though the fish is great, too.
Hope you heal soon, but it doesn't seem to have slowed you down much.

Gwen Buchanan said...

Jeanette, your work is exquisite! it is an honour to see... such an eye and hand you have. Beautiful!

Jeanette Jobson said...

Sue, you take hands and their ability for granted until something goes wrong. Rest and alternate movements seem to be helping.

Hi Gary, its one of those "now for something completely different" elements. They're fun to do and a change from large format paintings.

I can't stop completely but I can use a different painting method for awhile and hope that it resolves itself. So far, so good...

Gwen, thank you. These seem to come unbidden and I couldn't tell you what's next. Perhaps a lobster or a crab? It satisfies the detail freak in me. :)