Monday, October 15, 2007


Just in case you wondered where I've gotten, I am here, just up to my eyes in work and with my daughter and grand daughter staying there's not much time for anything, but jiggling and feeding the baby.

Then it was 'Chicken Day'. The broilers (eating) chickens were sent off to the processor then the day after returned and their buyers shortly after, so it was pretty hectic. My sister drove across the island to pick up her year's supply of chicken and turkey so she did the 'chicken run' back across to the western side of the province this morning.

On top of that, I was supposed to take today and tomorrow off. However, my cover obtained another job so couldn't come in so that put those plans on hold. I wanted to spend a little more time with my daughter and the baby before they leave on Thursday, but it may be limited, depending on how much work I can accomplish during the next day or two.

So where does drawing come into all this? It doesn't really. And I'm having withdrawal symptoms. I NEED to draw something. I started a sketch for an oil painting at work at lunch, then got interrupted so that did get too far. I have, however, chosen and prepared my pieces for the exhibition on Sunday so that's out of the way. I also do a drawing demonstration on Saturday in preparation for my first kids class on the 28th, so I need to prepare some promotion pieces for that.

Yawwwwwwwwnnnnn, I need an extra day or two added on to my week I think.

I was going to provide you with a little drawing but it seems Blogger has other ideas at the moment so you'll have to just use your imaginations and fill in this space.


Paulette said...

You wonderful lady, you make me tired just reading about your days! Good luck with the lesson and show, and make time for that baby and daughter.

Jeanette Jobson said...

Thanks Paulette, I'm sure I'll fit in time for it all.

Making A Mark said...

I felt tired reading all that!

However I think we need to encourage you get a sketchbook and for you then to print on the cover "No sketch took longer than 10 minutes". Maybe? ;)

Gina Cuff said...

I'm amazed at the stuff you do fit into your day, and you manage to find time to draw as well. Incredible!


Jeanette Jobson said...

Good idea Katherine. Just finding that 10 minute stretch right now is the challenge? Perhaps 'no sketch took longer than 5 minutes' might be better.

It will slow down Gina. (she says hopefully...)