Sketches from a coffee shop
Graphite Moleskine 8 x 5
I sketch quite a bit and most if for my own enjoyment and doesn't often see the light of day through other's eyes. I love to sit in coffee shops and people watch. Expressions, gestures and capturing movement are fascinating to me. I flit from face to face and see how much detail I can get into a sketch before the person moves or before they notice I am sketching them.I often find people will use the same movement over and over even if you think they are moving around a lot. I get the gesture in place first, then add details as the movement is repeated. If they move out of range, I can often use a similar gesture in someone else to complete the sketch.
This is the end of a sketchbook that I carry in my bag daily. Its also a kraft covered holder for receipts, gift cards and grocery lists. The pages are a little smeared by now but that adds to the charm.
Its now time to break out a new sketchbook or perhaps make one myself. I've been looking into creating a sketchbook for some time, but haven't acted on it. It doesn't look too complicated so I just may try my hand and see what I can come up with.
Hi, I just found your blog and like it. I will be checking in often.
I signed up for the sketchbook project. this is a new experience.
Lovely to see these sketches - My people sketches are sketchy at best! Maybe time to do some of these in the cafeteria at work tomorrow - at least it will be warm in there!
Thanks Peggy. Welcome to the blog. We'll have to follow the sketchbook project together! How much of yours is completed?
Mine vary Anita, depends on how long they stay still. If people are engrossed in conversation with others it gives me time.
Of course in my flurry to get out the door this morning, what did I forget? My sketchbook... Oh well there's always computer paper!
I too carry around a sketchbook in my purse/bag/tote.
When I used to wait around in coffee shops while my son had lessons nearby I would draw draw draw. I used to sketch in coffee shops, buses, waiting room, ANYWHERE. I rarely get out anymore, but I still carry my "pocket sized" sketchbook.
Thanks for sharing. I really like your gesture sketches. They are so much fun to revisit in the future. I know mine always transport me back to the time.
Great sketches Jeanette! I did some New Year's Day. Looking at your I think I need a lot more practice. :D
Great people sketches, Jeanette. You should share more of them.
A paper similar to the cover on the little brown sketchbook (it looks like the little inexpensive moleskines I buy in packets) would make rather a nice sketchbook.
I love these sketches Jeanette,especially the first one of the mothers and their children. You've capture the moment with a beautiful movement:)
Jeanette, in answer to your question about how much I have completed....I just signed up last night!:-/ And I am not really a sketching kind of person. Man, do I have work to do.
Thanks Stacy, practice is indeed the key. I am always sketching when I have a moment. Drives T.O.O. crazy, he says I'll get in trouble one day for it. :)
Robyn, I love drawing people - or trying to. I could sit in coffee shops for days sketching. Its my downfall...the coffee that is!
And this sketchbook is the little thin brown covered Moleskine - cahier. Just the right size for my bag but larger than the tiny one used for the sketchbook project.
Sheona, I loved the shape of the babies dangled on hips and held close. This little one in the front was was like a tiny sack of potatoes, hanging there on its mother's hip.
That was a challenge to capture as babies wriggle and mothers change their position constantly.
Peggy, the sketchbook is tiny, you can do this easily!
These are just so nice. I'm another one that needs practice!
Nice sketches that you made. I found the tips in your entry to be very useful. Perhaps I'll go to a coffee shop and try the same thing sometime...
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