Here's a closer view for those who like to examine the layers in greater detail. Lots of people have a bit of anxiety when drawing glasses, but I quite enjoy them. Most eyeglasses these days have non-reflective lenses in them so there isn't a lot of external reflections that mask the eye shape or colour. If the shape of the glasses is correct, then it all falls into place, very much like a puzzle.
I'm working on a couple of pieces at once as I often do. I like being able to keep in painting mode so while one dries, I move to the other. As long as its the same medium, it seems to work out well. I also have sketchbooks scattered around the house so when I get a moment, I make little thumbnail sketches of things that interest me.

I'm working on a drawing tutorial that I hope to have available by Christmas Eve. I haven't produced one for awhile and have had the makings of it kicking around for months. I came across it the other day and thought it was time to complete it and make it available. Here's a little teaser of where it is so far.
I find the hardest part of creating a tutorial is putting into words what I do without thinking. And remembering to scan pieces regularly as I get so caught up in the process of drawing, it moves ahead more quickly than I realize.
Your work is so beautiful. Great portrait you have going, the form is so strong and stately. Your color as usual is a real treat. I look forward to your tutorial. I've never tried much putting what I know about drawing into a written presentation - even in teaching situations I rely heavily on the verbal while looking at examples, etc. Writing is difficult, but what you will produce will prove to be invaluable I'm sure. Excellent drawing here - I love graphite (my first love, even though I do not do a lot of it nowadays).
Thanks for sharing the way you work. I'm looking forward to the tutorial. Lovely portrait start.
This is looking so good, Jeanette, and I'm sure a drawing tutorial will be of so much help.
I wish you'd do a comprehensive watercolor tutorial though - I so like the way you do the watercolor portraits!
Thanks for the encouragement Gary. I like seeing how watercolour unfolds. Years ago it never appealed to me much, but in the last year or two, the very complexities that scared me now pull me in.
Graphite is my fallback point. Its my pure comfort level and I really need to do more of it. This little bird tutorial makes me want more pencil work.
Hi Jo. I find its interesting to see how others approach subjects and figure other artists may feel the same way. As for the tutorial, I like to give back something to those who are starting out in drawing. There is nothing better than sharing knowledge with others and watching them grow.
You know Jan, I haven't done a w/c tutorial as of yet. Perhaps the next portrait I'll give it a shot. Of course, you realize that will be the kiss of death to that painting as it won't turn out as I want it too then! :)
Both the portrait and the little birdie are wonderful.
Somebody gave me this tip about creating a written record of your process -- get a voice-activated recorder and talk to it as you're working. She said you feel like a complete fool while you're doing it, but it allows you to track the steps more readily than either stopping to scribble or trying to recall after the fact. Haven't ever tried this, but wanted to pass the idea along.
Thanks Chris, that's a great idea actually. Now making me stop to scan at the relevant points...
How about a video camera to record all the steps? One with voice, of course!
That way, you will have everything in place should you decide to make a tutorial with it! Just keep the video running with every painting/drawing and eventually you're bound to have something for a tutorial!
Really enjoying your watercolour portraits jeanette, and fascinating to see the progress shots. I am terrible at remembering to record progress, I think you do a brilliant job! Look forward to seeing the bird drawing develop too.
That's a good idea too Jan and I do have a little Flip recorder that I should play with more. I'll have to experiment.
Thanks Tracy. Yes getting those progress shots can be a challenge at times can't it? I enjoy working in graphite with the little sparrow.
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