Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Idioms and exhibits

My painting time has been limited this week, as I prepare for the exhibition which opens on Thursday.  This evening after work, all the pieces were hung, ready for the opening on October 6th.  If you're in the area, I'd love to meet you there.  Great art, nibbles and drinks will be on hand from 5 - 7pm at MUN Botanical Garden, 306 Mount Scio Road, St. John's, NL.  You can read all the details here.

Here's a little glimpse of one of my pieces that you can see at the exhibit.  Its a gyotaku ocean perch, or red fish, as they are often called here.  Reflections are part and parcel of pieces framed under glass unfortunately.  Drop by on Thursday and I'll tell you how these unique gyotaku prints are created.

Meanwhile I've had a few minutes here and there to add a bit more paint to the carrot & stick painting that I began a few days ago.  It set my mind off on lists of idioms  or common sayings that could generate paintings...its endless how one idea sparks another, isn't it?  Which one would you choose to paint?


suzanneberry said...

beautiful, ethereal and lovely! best of luck, wish i lived nearer!

suzanneberry said...

me again. wanted to thank you for your ladybug comments, very much appreciated. mac problems again. can't access my address book! good luck!

Jennifer Rose said...

paintings generated from idioms is a good idea :) might have to put a meaning of them beside the painting tho for people who have no idea about the idiom in question (i really had never heard the one about a carrot and the stick before ;p)