Sunday, May 19, 2013


 No, don't run for cover, its safe, just an explosion of colour that you'll love!

I'm thrilled to announce a new venture with Artbomb.  What is Artbomb  ?

Artbomb is a carefully curated, subscriber-based daily online auction featuring artwork by Canadian art stars. Launched in December, 2011, is a brand new, successful way for artists to market and sell their work to thousands of potential buyers.

Artbomb is a service that delivers one email featuring one to three artworks into subscribers’ inboxes every morning - seven days a week. Bidding opens with a starting bid at 6 a.m. and closes at 11 p.m. at which point the highest bid wins the piece. All works are delivered ready to hang.

Artbomb is coast to coast across Canada with outstanding curators in each region working hard to find the stars of the local scene. Through their experienced eyes, Artbomb highlights an incredible array of exciting new pieces everyday: paintings, prints, photography, sculpture, drawing and mixed media.

It's Artbomb’s goal to make it easy to access incredible, fresh, relevant Canadian art. .

On Monday, May 20, 2013, one of my paintings, Dragon Gate, will be available for bidding on Artbomb.  May 20th is a holiday in Canada, all the more reason to celebrate Victoria Day!  As an artist herself, I'm sure Queen Victoria would approve.

Dragon Gate is a 15" x 30" custom framed multimedia piece using layers of tissue, gesso, gold leaf and oil paint, giving lots of depth and a true "watery" feel that I hope you'll enjoy.

There is an old Chinese legend of the Dragon Gate in which koi fish swim upstream in the Yellow River, through waterfalls and other obstacles to reach the top of the mountain. At the top of the mountain was a point called "Dragon Gate". The legend says that when any koi succeeded in climbing the falls and reaching Dragon Gate, it would be transformed into a dragon, one of the most auspicious creatures in Chinese culture. Based on that legend the Koi became a symbol of worldly aspiration and advancement.

I don't recommend anything that I don't believe in and I do believe that Artbomb delivers in quality and reliability.  With curators across Canada choosing new art daily, you can't go wrong.  I encourage you to test it out by signing up for their daily email  and get the benefit of new available artwork direct to your inbox daily.  If you don't enjoy that burst of colour, light and creation daily, you can easily unsubscribe. (but I think its a bit addictive to see fresh art daily...)

Make a note to watch out for Artbomb on Monday, May 20th and perhaps this unique piece could be on your wall soon!  Artbomb is also on Facebook  and Twitter  if you'd prefer to find them there.

I'd love to hear what you think about Dragon Gate and the Artbomb concept for making art available.

PS: If you've missed the auction and would like a print of this painting or a note card,I've made that option available online. Simply choose your size and support and order direct.


laura said...

Congratulations! Sounds like a wonderful venue for you.
These fish are beautiful--they look shimmery.

Christiane Kingsley said...

Congratulations, Jeanette. I have been watching Artbomb lately and I am so curious to find out how you like working with them. All my best for tomorrow!

Celia Blanco said...

Congratulations on your painting, beautiful work!I love the texture and color, it feels so real. Artbomb is a wonderful initiative, thank you for the information.

Jeanette Jobson said...

Thank you Laura, it allows me to share my work with a wider audience, so I hope it works out well.

Thanks Christiane, if you have any questions about, please contact me.

Celia, thank you. I really enjoyed creating this piece with texture and colour. I hope you enjoy what Artbomb has to offer.