Saturday, July 14, 2007

Hot and cold

Its been hot and humid here for the last few days which makes everyone cranky and fatigued, including the cat, who spends his days flopped on the sofa inside or lying under the shade of the hostas in the front flower bed.

So while seeking some cooler indoor pursuits, I wandered across an interesting Canadian art project from Cory Trepannier, an artist from Ontario.

"Join artist Cory Trépanier as he explores the richness of the north, and creates a new collection of original oil paintings from the Canadian arctic.

The “Into the ARCTIC Project" that will see Cory travel extensively in the arctic over 3 years. This concentrated effort to explore and paint from west to east, and south to north, exploring the wide scope of the arctic experience is truly unique. By interacting so closely with his environment, Cory’s canvases will be infused with a genuineness that will bring viewers closer to this land."

In 2006 Cory tackled the Western and Central Arctic and on August 1, 2007 he will be exploring the Eastern and Central Arctic with further plans for 2008 and 2009. This isn't just Cory wandering and painting the amazing northern landscapes. His wife and two children go with him!

These journeys are complete with video, photographic, written journals and podcasts, so that you can take the journey with him almost. On July 22, 2007, Bravo Television will be airing the world premiere of Into the Arctic: An Artist's Journey to the North. This should be interesting viewing, if you've exhausted all the other methods of viewing his adventures and paintings before then.

My adventures in drawing are leaning towards nothing more than simple sketches lately, but I will try to concentrate on something a bit more substantial tonight or tomorrow. It seems I've done little but pick up a pencil and put it down lately and I need to create something soon.

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