Sunday, December 23, 2007

Good drawing days

1950's Reindeer Ornament
Graphite, 8 x 5
Copyright Jeanette Jobson

You know when you have times of good drawing, when things you try just seem to roll off the pencil or paintbrush without effort? These last few days seem to be like that, so I'm trying to fit in as much as I can while the moment lasts. I know there will come a time soon when I try to draw or paint something and it will not work, no matter what I do.

Its a strange phenomenon as it seems effortless on my behalf . I realize of course that this revelation may be simply subjective on my part and the observer may have a totally different viewpoint. Productivity and willingness combined with time availability may play a role in how drawings or painting progress. Whatever factors come into play, I'm enjoying it.

This morning I tackled one of final pieces that go on my tree. This is an old ornament, almost as old as me, that I had as a child. Its a simple plastic 1950's reindeer that I remember being filled with tiny red and green candies. It was in a box of old ornaments that came from my mother's house and is probably one of the last remaining ones from that era still intact. The plastic is yellowing and brittle with age, but it still goes on the tree each year and now I have captured it on paper. I may add some colour wash to it to give it a bit of life. But its currently in a sketchbook and that means I'd have to transfer it.

That will have to wait while I take advantage of the good drawing fairy's visit first!

1 comment:

Rose Welty said...

Jeanette - I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets that feeling - that I can draw anything - and then it fades. In fact, I can almost tell when I make the first mark that it has gone and I'm back to me again.