I have been looking for inspiration and may have found it on my kitchen counter in the form of apples. Often the most obvious and what is often thought of as the most simple subject, is overlooked.

So as it is September and apples are ripening in many parts of

I think a month should give enough time to get a good harvest of apples, so October 15 will be the deadline. Simple add a comment and a link to your piece on your blog and at the end of the time I will do a post and list all the entries.
Is anyone game?
Jeanette, this sounds great. Apples are always my "fall back" when I can't think of what to paint. I love them. Thanks, I'll check back for when to post!
I just might have to take you up on this.
Great Jo, I hope you do join in. And you can post anytime between now and October 15th.
And I would love you to do so Robin.
Apples are one of my favorite subjects--so appealing and ready to hand; and this is a great photo to work from! I really look forward to joining in. Thank you!
Laura, great to have you join in. I used this photos just as a photo to set up the post, not meant to be used as a reference to draw. However, feel free to draw it if you want.
I anticipate people using their own references or drawing from life seeing apples should be plentiful this time of year!
If I can find the time I will definitely be drawing some apples. There are always a dozen around here since hubby loves them :)
I so enjoyed the rock challenge and now have my apples ready to draw. If I get my drawing completed in time I will certainly post here :-)
I don't think I've ever painted an apple that looked right at the end. Perhaps it's time to take up this challenge and see if I can slow down and see the apple for what it is. Your charcoal drawings is wonderful - how can you make something look juicy without color? :) Of course, now I want a caramel apple! ha ha
Here's my apple , Jeanette and thanks for getting me to pick up a brush again :)
Hi. I was directed to your fab blog by the lovely Vivien Blackburn.
Here's my first quick offering - hoping to have time to have a better go before the challenge ends. I surprised myself how much I enjoyed doing that :-)
Jennifer and Ann, I hope you'll have time to join in.
Rhonda, now is the chance to tackle an apple - even a caramel apple! :)
I love charcoal and its ability to be delicate and strong at the same time.
Robyn, your apple is beautiful. The colours and shape is wonderful and makes me want to pick it up. You need the brush and it needs you. They are never far apart.
Nicki, I'm so glad you stopped by and left an apple. Its a wonderful apple, full of colour and life. Thank you.
Jeanette, I am only starting in painting and in e-challenges and find it to be so interesting and teaching, and learning new people -talented artists and generous critiques is another great experience. Thank you very much for new opportunity.
This is my link http://irinapictures.blogspot.com/2009/09/hunger-to-paint.html . Not sure, but I think it is from the photo I took at fantastic WetCanvas. I will be honoured if I see your reaction.
With all your kind encouragement, Jeanette I have painted the next stage of my apple's life.
Apple Sliced
Now Dermott is going to eat it!
After reading Robyn's post, I had to come over here and see :)
I have an apple drawing too!
Your apples are bright and colourful against the blue Irina. Thanks for joining in.
Your watercolours are always perfection Robyn. I hope there is more life left in this apple still.
Spinneretta, I'm glad you were curious enough to drop by and see. And thank you for contributing a wonderful image. The contrast between the apple and pepper really pulls me in. I like it a lot.
Hi Jeanette. I am Gary Nemcosky and I wanted to get in on your apple challenge, so here it is: http://garynem.blogspot.com/2009/09/apple-challenge.html
Thanks for joining in Gary. Its good to see more apples and yours are fabulous.
I've just heard about your blog and your "apple challenge" by fellow Everyday Matters sketchers and I would be interested . Is it possible for me to take part?
By all means Martine. I'd love to have you join in. Just draw/paint your apples then post the link to it here.
Lovely charcoal sketch and beautiful oil paintings ! You do like apples ! Mine is much more modest. (ink and watercolour)Here it is:
They are beautiful Martine. Full of form and colour. I like them a lot.
I have completed one apple drawing for your challenge, and it's here
Now I want to do more drawings of apples!
Great idea Jeanette!
Here is my charcoal apple .
The apples are all looking so wonderful and creative.
charcoal apple
They are gorgeous Ann. I do like this piece a lot. Yeah, apples can be addictive once you get going. Simple things become the most complex and most appealing I find.
Your charcoal piece is wonderful Paulette. Its got a lot of strength to it. Very solid.
Just gave it a go. You can see the results here:
Thanks for the challenge!
Thanks for joining in Grobuonis. I like the breakdown of the apple and its stages.
Here's mine! Amazing how different these all are.
This is fun. I finally got one done.
my first
I love the charcoal and highlights on the toned paper Ernest. Wonderful work.
Jo, your acrylic apples are beautiful. I'm glad you were able to fit in a painting. Thank you.
I decided to add a couple more apples to your challenge :)
The Jacobite Rose
Fabulous apples, thanks for your contributions Spinneretta!
Forgot to add mine. Thanks for the challenge Jeanette!
managed an apple :)
Hi, I have done a couple of sketches on Gene's iPhone. Here is one of an apple done in about 15 minutes (it will be faster when I figure out the program - "Brushes") It is fun for sure. Her is my Apple 2
I'm sneaking in on the tail end of this challenge!
Love doing apples and eating the references!
Here is an apple I did earlier in the month...
Hope you do another challenge.
An apple a day.... :)
You're such an inspiration with all the variety you do!
Here's my Latest Apple. <-- how do I put a link in the comments?
I managed to squeeze an apple in Jeanette! One apple, but two paintings. Here it is. (I hope.)
Thank you ladies, the more the merrier!
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