The devastation in Haiti weighs on my shoulders, even if it is far away. I watch the news and see the anguish and despair in people's faces and can barely begin to imagine how they feel. Complaining about a bad day is so trivial. Nothing is bad compared to this.
I wanted to do something. Something concrete. Something from the heart. So I decided I would auction one of my prints - Purity Kisses - on Ebay and donate the resulting funds entirely to the Haiti Relief Fund.
This is an 18 x 12 professional print and is up for auction tonight, running for seven days. Please be generous and bump up the bids. The final winner will receive this beautiful print and the knowledge that they have helped provide some aid to Haiti.
I have been wondering how I can help as well, and think you have come up with a wonderful idea. Hope that you get LOTS of bids!
Wonderful idea Jeanette. And yes complaining does seem so wrong when compared to what they are going through. Last night the news reported on one hospital with 500 people needing help and there was only one doctor on staff. We are most fortunate! As Claire said, may you get LOTS of bids!!!
Thank you, Jeanette.
Thanks Claire. Every bit counts in the end.
So much is needed there Teresa. Medical staff and supplies are desperately needed and money to fund it all.
Leslie, I can't sit idly by and watch this. I have to do something, no matter how small.
I thank you too Jeanette. This is a wonderful thing you are doing here. I hope that Katherine Terrell's mention will help to bring a lot of attention to your efforts.
Gary, I'm relying on a lot of networking to promote this initiative. Katherine's blog is one of those, as well Facebook, Twitter, local media and my own personal networks. Everything is about marketing! :) I hope it does generate a good sum of money for the Haiti disaster relief.
Awesome. GR8 work.
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