Monday, August 30, 2010

A view on a summer's day

 Swiss Chard growing in the vegetable garden
This is the jewel of the veggie garden, especially when the sun shines on it.

Its my first day back at work after a couple of weeks off and it was pretty hectic.  I take a week to unwind, then a few days of relaxing, then the last few days thinking of what I have to do when I get back to work.  I think I need a month instead.  Unfortunately in the business I'm in, that would make my job even more stressful if I had a longer absence.

I'm fitting in a couple of flounder prints tonight and haven't a lot to share in regards to art but thought I'd share a couple of images that I took the other day around the farm. It was a perfect summer day and everything seemed bright with vivid colours.

There's something wonderful about big fluffy clouds on a summer's day

 Tripod relaxing on a little path leading through the woods to the meadow

The view from my kitchen window 
(minus moose, rabbits, coyotes, foxes,or other wild creatures - yes they've all been out there)

Amongst weeds in a crack in the stone, millet grows, dropped from birdseed in the winter

1 comment:

RH Carpenter said...

A beautiful little slice of your life, Jeanette. Thanks for sharing :)