Thursday, February 09, 2012

Roller - finished

Here's the final (I think) image of Roller.  I have fought with this image and its still not correct.  I can't get the focus or colour correct on it, no matter how hard I try under artificial light.  I will try for daylight, but in the meantime here it is.  I may give a glaze of transparent oxide brown over the board when this layer is dry to complete it and give some warmth to the wood, but aside from that, there should not be much tweaking to do.

Its sitting on the top of my old file cabinet to dry along with an eclectic mix of other paintings, props and tools.  the little wooden manikin of a cat I bought a few years ago, but haven't used it yet.  There are endless manikins of various animals and body parts available.  I have a classic human female manikin, about 16 inches tall, which makes for interesting drawing when I have time.  I should take the wooden cat manikin for a test draw too soon.  Perhaps on my Buddha board which finally arrived today.  More on that tomorrow.


Christiane Kingsley said...

Jeanette, Roller looks fabulous!I feel I could touch it...and give it a little nudge to make it roll right off the board:-)

Unknown said...

As Christiane said it looks like you can just roll it off the board. Great work.

btw shouldn't a manikin of a cat be a catikin. Sorry just asking?!

RH Carpenter said...

Not only is the painting truly artistic and creative but the placement in the photo is, too, giving the viewer that sense of it moving off the edge and ready to fall onto the floor :) Can't wait to see the little cat. I don't have a Buddha Board but have papers that do the same thing.

Jeanette Jobson said...

Christiane, thank you. In reality, the image is much crisper and vibrant. But computers...well, you know. :)

Thanks Sue, just the effect I was looking for. Catikin heheheh nice one.

Thanks so much Rhonda.I wanted that sense of anticipation in the piece and am glad that seems to work.

The cat manikin (or catikin!) was buried under other things in the studio and now unearthed. It could make an interesting painting or drawing. I'll have to play with that.

I'm looking forward to having some time to play with the Buddha board this weekend.

Jennifer Rose said...

the long narrow canvas goes really well with the roller, makes it look like it is moving

Jeanette Jobson said...

Jennifer, I really love these rectangular canvasses for many compositions. I think it does add to the potential movement of the marble with that slight slant to the board.