Fish eye studycoloured pencil 8 x 5 The glassy eye of this fish attracted me as did the textured skin. Greys, blues and greens with that firey eye. I couldn't resist a small study of it. I'm not even sure what the type of fish is, some sort of perch I think.
I enjoy the process of drawing and seeing if I can produce textures and patterns. The challenge is endless.
Meanwhile, back in the studio, mice start to breed... I wonder when the cat will notice?
I LOVE them!!!! Reminds me of
my friend who lived in a Fixer Upper and had a hard time with morning wake up. She was folded over a cup of coffee, one morning, and thought she saw a mouse tail hanging over the door frame. She was about to go back to bed to get more sleep, when her husband came in and saw it, too. A mouse had made a nest, now full of babies, behind the loose door frame.
Love your mice. Yet, couldn't help but chuckle. I remember when my daughter drew a picture of her bird on her bedroom wall...she was supposed to be taking a nap. At that time...I certainly didn't consider it ART.
It's going to be interesting to see this little mouse family progress, as I'm certain it will.
They must have a family name?
This is great, I would love to do something similar on a larger scale.
Great work on the fish eye, Jeanette. It has wonderful patterns and structure.
I can see a big future for you among the mice ;)
adding more mice is a good idea :) running along the wall in a row (I'd have a snake drawn following the end of the row of mice though lol kinda odd I guess :p)
the eye looks nice, shiny and slimy at the same time as a real fish eye
Annie, oh yes, mice get everywhere! I've got a ton of mice stories from when I lived in old houses. And the barn always has mice of all ages.
The mice were fun to draw Marsha and yes, there may be more.
I had a daughter who used to do wall 'art' as well. I recall a cork wall covering and finger paints in particular...
No, they're nameless at the moment. I'm always open to suggestions. :)
Vic, its easy to scale up any drawing to wall size. Just grid it and you can go from there. I used to do lots of this kind of stuff years ago.
I loved this fish eye Robyn, the colours were unusual compared to the usual slightly matt sheen of greys.
haha, gotta love those mice
Yes a line of them running along would be cute wouldn't it? A snake? Well, there aren't any snakes here, so likely a weasel or mink would grab them. I've never drawn a snake...You've got me thinking now.
Jeanette, you fish eye is excellent and I love your cleverness with the mice. Such cute little things it is hard to know how to get rid of them.
I LOVE the meeces!!
I didn't know there were not any snakes there, good to know :) I just assumed there would be almost the same type of snakes there as the rest of Canada :)
Thanks Mary. Yes, mice are a real nuisance if they're in your house. I can cope with them in the barn on here on the wall where they don't move!
I can't resist them Vivien. They are cute...
Jennifer, as we're on an island, snakes can't swim. I like that fact. We're the same as Ireland which has no snakes either. Except we don't have a story about saints driving them away. :)
I know I've already admired your fish eye, Jeanette but I was reading about Fish Printing today (I kid you not) and thought being on an island you probably have more access to fresh fish than I and you paint great eyes. Let me know if you would like a link. :)
Well actually Robyn, after the moratorium, fresh fish is more the rarity than the norm in actual fact.
But printing with fish. Could be interesting. I saw something about body printing the other day and thought of you. By all means send me the link, I'm curious. I may find a fresh fish to turn purple :)
You asked for it Jeanette and if you try fish printing and end up with a funny smell in your studio don't blame the mice!
Wow, that is different! I just HAVE to try this! Now to find a fish...
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